L ive

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E asily

You have an ​innate knowing

Trust in yourself.

As a society we tend to look externally for pleasure and the ​answers to the challenges in our lives.

Our sense of community, self belonging and self ​responsibility has slowly been lost through years of ​oppression.

You have an inner wisdom that is trying to get your attention, ​to guide you to a life in flow and to a place that you ​recognise joy.

Live in the freedom that comes from being in touch with your inner ​compass that guides you on a daily basis and is the foundation of ​your purpose in the World.

Hi, I'm Tamra

I am blessed and excited to coach people to ​connect back to their agency and inner ​knowing utilising a blend of deep processes. ​These allow you to be curious and explore ​within. The answers are insightful and ​individual supporting you daily in your self ​care, mental health, purpose and life ​direction.


I’ve spent my whole ​life searching for ME.

Purple Daisy Flower

Along the way I’ve grown ​through the impact of ​childhood neglect and ​embraced my creative thinking ​neurodivergent mind.

Everyday I celebrate my small ​wins and recognise and forgive ​my mistakes.

It has led to an interesting, sometimes fun, ​sometimes miserable eclectic career.

My learning journey includes Reiki Level 2 ​practitioner, Advanced Diploma in Kyela ​Sound therapy, Motivational Interviewing , ​Certificate IV in Mental Health, Certified ​Personal Medicine Coach and Core Gift ​Facilitator.

I am currently training as a Somatic ​Practitioner.

I have been working in community services ​for 5 years and most recently as a Mental ​Health Support Worker, Crisis Supporter ​and Psychosocial Recovery Coach.

I have finally found my joy in helping ​people achieve a happy and free life.

I am a Meowmy to 2 furkids and a foster ​doggo and my heart is in nature, music and ​dance.

Bouquet of Gerbera Daisies

Hi, How can I help ?

It takes courage and strength to ​challenge the staus quo and put a ​toe in the uncomfortable unkown ​and bloom.

It’s my pleasure to jump in with you.

Are you :

Feeling lost and unsure of your life’s ​direction.

Struggling with mental health recovery.

Need support to focus on YOU.

Feeling that there is nothing that ​can help you.

Papercut head with green leaves and flowers. Mental health, emotional wellness, contented emotions, self care, psychology, green thinking, ecology

Looking after YOU is ​crucial to your physical, ​mental,emotional and ​spiritual wellbeing and ​capacity to create an ​amazing life for yourself.

Fit healthy woman exercising her pet dog

Personal Medicine

What is Personal Medicine?

Everyone’s Personal ​Medicine is unique, focusing ​on the person as opposed to ​their struggle.

It is what we do to get well ​and stay well.

Personal medicine is a ​structured and specialised ​recovery and self care ​process that emerges from ​our natural resilience and ​inner knowing.

YOU know how you help YOU.

Personal Medicine can be the ​big things that give our lives ​meaning and purpose and also ​the smaller things we do to ​take care of ourselves.

Utilising the Personal Medicine ​resources to discover deep ​insights.

Connecting you to that inner ​wisdom and exploring the ​possibilities.

Giving you back your potential.

Pat Deegan - Founder of Personal Medicine

Thin Straight Line Divider

Individual Personal ​Medicine Discovery and ​ongoing support

$90 for 90 minutes

A curiosity led ​conversation that digs ​deep into your why

Discover your Personal ​Medicine, experiment, ​play, have fun and hone ​them to something you ​love.

Together we use the Personal ​Medicine cards, guides and ​tracker to record and track ​your progress and provide ​accountability and ​encouragement.

Optional - Sound Meditation ​and Energy Health Check.

For more information ask Tamara ​on 0430 531 430 or ​freedom@preciouspeople.com.au

About the Personal Medicine Tools

Personal Medicine Guide ​books

Specialising in :


Anxious Feelings

Distressing Voices

Feeling Depressed

Food Cravings


Negative Thinking

Self Harm


Troublesome Beliefs

Personal Medicine Cards

Specialising in :


Anxious Feelings


Distressing Voices

Effective Communication

Feeling Depressed

Financial Peace

Food Cravings


Negative Thinking


Self Harm




Troublesome Beliefs


We can also create cards indiviual ​to you.


Core Gift Discovery

What is Core Gift Discovery?

A Core Gift Discovery ​interview offers a powerful ​way to see what’s right in ​front of you.

It helps you get clearer ​about your unique sense ​of purpose and meaning, ​so that you can start to ​live in a more intentional ​way.

Connect and communicate ​more effectively.

Strengthen your self-​confidence and shift your ​thinking towards hope.

Discovering your Core Gift ​can help you to make better ​decisions in all areas of your ​life.

Have a touchstone for ​reassurance, safety and ​courage in difficult times.

Your Core Gift is the unique ​offering you have to share ​with others.

It is connected to and ​strengthened by your life ​experiences —particularly ​your challenges.

It guides you in decision-​making.

It provides focus on your ​sense of purpose and well-​being

It develops throughout your ​lifetime, and becomes more ​impactful each time you ​face new challenges and ​learn more about how you ​are uniquely you.

Thin Straight Line Divider

Core Gift Discovery Interview ​$110 for 2 hours

Interesting and deep ​questions on what's ​important in your life ​that support you to ​think outside the ​square.

Discover your Core ​Gift and how you ​share it with others.

A fun and simple process that is impactful and insightful.

Learn about how your ​challenges are your ​greatest strengths.

For more information ask Tamara ​on 0430 531 430 or ​freedom@preciouspeople.com.au

White cosmos on field in twilight

My Core Gift

is helping people

become brave outliers.

I give this by helping them to

be at peace with change, ​encourage freedom in nature, ​shared lived and learnt experiences ​and connect to something bigger.

Mental Health ​and Self Care


Both Core Gift Discovery and ​Personal Medicine are inner ​discoveries unique to you.

They are part of our human ​resilience and inner wisdom.

A recovery model that is not ​prescibed by a doctor or nurse

I’ll support your personal agency, ​effort, courage and commitment.

It may be small steps over time ​but they are steps in a forward ​direction.

Core Gift Discovery and ​Personal Medicine focus on you ​as a person - your individuality.

Together we explore deeply inward ​to tap into your resilience and ​innate knowing to experience a life ​of balance.

Optional to include Sound Therapy

Available online via Google Meet or ​face to face in WA - Joondalup ​and North.

What to expect :

Develop your Core Gift ​Statement. This is a ​compass for your journey ​and your unique gifts that ​you give to the World.

Complimentary Personal ​Medicine guidebook, ​Personal Medicine cards ​and Success Tracker to ​keep you focused between ​our get togethers.

Be encouraged with ​curious trauma aware ​conversations.

Feel safe to share and just ​be you. Reclaim agency ​over your recovery

$80 per hour

Face to face may incur travel costs.

NDIS invoicing available.

For more information ask Tamara ​on 0430 531 430 or ​freedom@preciouspeople.com.au

Lightbox with motivation words for self care, positive thinking, mental health, emotional wellness

Self Care Circles

for NDIS Support People.

It's a role in which you are ​always giving.

It is rewarding and can be ​lonely and exhausting.

I reached near burn out and ​felt drawn to offer a space ​for others to focus on their ​self care.

Feel connected and chat ​about YOU.

I bring experience in various ​roles both through providers ​and working independently.

Join me in this safe space ​with a focus on peer sharing ​and self care.

You can't give from an ​empty cup. Keep your cup ​topped up by discovering ​and enjoying your Personal ​Medicine.

Perfect for Support Workers, ​Support Coordinators and ​Psychosocial Recovery ​Coaches .

Self Care Circle for NDIS ​support people

What to expect :

Connect with peers on a ​personal level

Share your well being ​worries or any issues that ​are sitting with you

Gift yourself some you ​time to relax and be ​nurtured.

Discover your inner knowing

Be supported in taking ​consistent action on your self ​care.

Explore your Personal Medicine

Relax to a sound healing ​meditation with frequency ​minded music.

Self Care Circles for

NDIS support people

Pay from the heart by donation

All Self Care Circles are held ​online via Google Meet.

Friday 830 am - 945 am AWST

Red Heart Shape
Book now button icon

I look forward to ​sharing with you

hand holding a flower
Young Person on the Phone
Facebook Logo Vector

Please get in touch to ​book or find out more


0430 531 430

I look forward to meeting you soon

In harmony
